The pandemic has changed the American workforce and has allowed families to embrace non-traditional education options for their children. Families are turning their living rooms into classrooms and embracing homeschool life, while a huge influx of people are working remotely or starting their own businesses from home. More and more first time home buyers are working remotely, starting their businesses, or pouring more time and effort into their side hustles.  Here are a few ways for marketing real estate to entrepreneurs and homeschoolers:

Highlight the Location
Location is always important when dealing with real estate, but different buyers care about location differently. A busy corporate professional will be more concerned with how close a property is to her downtown office, while a retired couple may be looking for a location that is private and quiet. Buyers who spend most of their time working from home will have different needs when it comes to their location. 

Homeschooling families may want to be close to local museums, nature centers, libraries, and educational opportunities. They may want to be in a neighborhood where there are other families with kids their age, or a location that is close to a public park. These things are all very enticing for families who are spending a lot of time at home, so it’s crucial you include these features in your listing description. Traditionally, a school district is a major factor for buyers, but not for homeschooling families. This means you need to focus on the community spaces and amenities that they will be using. 

Remote workers and entrepreneurs will be looking for a property that puts them close enough to the people and spaces they need to interact with regularly. They’ll be less concerned with the commute to downtown since they won’t be going into an office every day, and instead, want a property close to their area of influence. 

Sell the Lifestyle
Part of effectively marketing a property to any buyer is to understand the type of lifestyle they’re looking to achieve. Once you know this about a buyer, you can modify your marketing strategy to show them that this property is the best place to realize that vision. For those working and teaching from home, there are a few words that may describe the lifestyle they’re looking for:

  • Flexible space
  • Bonus room 
  • Finished basement
  • Energy efficient
  • Multi-purpose
  • Spacious
  • Storage space
  • Convenience to amenities
  • Natural Light 
  • Great views

Find a way to incorporate these types of terms into your listing description. Help interested buyers see how the layout of the home is designed to help them achieve their goals, and point out the areas of the home that will help them be the most successful. Selling the lifestyle means creating a profile of your target buyer and shaping your marketing efforts to appeal to that specific buyer. 

Focus on Amenities
What amenities of the home will those working from home find most appealing? Small things like built-in organizational shelves, plenty of outlets, and office spaces with natural light will be big deals for this specific type of buyer. While they may not care so much about a large kitchen made for entertaining or easy access to the interstate, they will be looking for smart home technology, a functional layout, plenty of light, and an atmosphere that fosters creativity and productivity. Those spending long periods of time will also appreciate multi-functional outdoor spaces. How can they use the backyard as an outdoor learning space? How can the shady outdoor patio be used as a second office? 

If a property offers innovative technology or eco-friendly additions, make sure to highlight these too. If you are trying to make a property appeal to those who work from home, highlight any smart home technology. Explain how the video doorbell makes it easy for people to see who’s at the front door without having to leave their home office.

Being at home more often means using more of the utilities, which is why energy-efficient appliances are a big deal to this particular type of buyer. If a property has water-saving showers and toilets, or energy-efficient appliances in the kitchen, make sure to mention this. Show buyers how smart thermostats can help them reduce energy costs when they’re spending most of the day at home. 

Learn More About Target Marketing
If you want to sell more properties this year, you have to invest in continued education. This means consistently learning more about how to generate interest from your target audience. 

Mbition has classes and courses designed for both new and seasoned agents to help them reach next-level success in a fast-paced industry.