Most buyers will only click through the first 3-4 pictures of a property before they decide whether they want to keep looking or move on. That is why high-quality, professional photos are so important. But after they’ve clicked through the pictures and want to know more, your listing description has to grab them. Top agents and brokers know that buyers don’t want to read about paint colors and room sizes. They want to be able to picture themselves living inside the home. They want to feel like what it will be to call this place home, and how this particular home will work with their lifestyle. This is where the listing description comes in.
Before you start typing out a long list of facts and figures, consider these five things to write the perfect listing description that catches the buyers’ attention.
Be Honest and Accurate
There’s no point in misrepresenting your listing, because buyers are going to notice. If you say the property is “sprawling” and it’s a 700-square-foot apartment, or you say its “upgraded” but still has appliances from the ’80s, you’re only wasting your own time and risking your reputation as a real estate professional. There are people who are going to want your property just the way it is, so it is important to be honest and accurate.
Focus on the good, but be honest about the not-so-good. You don’t have to point out every flaw, but don’t leave out information you know buyers will need to know. Sell from the viewpoint of potential and possibility, and help buyers see opportunities where they’d normally see obstacles. Even if you’re selling a property “as-is” you still need to be clear about what that means.
Choose Your Words Wisely
There is so much power in the words you choose for your description. Everyone knows cozy really means small and vintage sometimes means old. Don’t over-complicate the description by using too many, unnecessary words. Adding too many adjectives can make it sound like you’re trying to make the house sound better than it is, and that could be a red flag. Here are a few keywords you can use to help your listing pack more of a punch:
- Custom-built
- Innovative
- Ultra-modern
- Captivating
- Storybook
- Breathtaking
- Refreshing
- Centrally located
- Skyline view
- Backyard paradise
- Sun-filled
- Modern
- Minimalist
- Designed for entertaining
Simply changing some of the words you use in your description can make a significant difference in how buyers read and interpret the space.
Sell The Experience
Buying a home is a big deal, and buyers want to be sure the property is well-suited for their lifestyle. So sell the lifestyle! While it is important to provide detailed measurements and location info, don’t forget to give the buyer a peek into what it would be like to live there. Showcase how relaxing it would be to enjoy coffee out on the balcony, or how perfect the home office would be for a busy entrepreneur. Talk about how the yard is great for backyard BBQs with the neighbors and the kitchen is perfect for entertaining. People want comfort and convenience in a home, and the listing description is the best way to show them how your property has both.
Use A Professional Voice
Relating to the buyer is important, and you don’t want to bore them with a very dry and data-overload listing description. But you also want to make sure you come across as knowledgeable and professional, and still offer a personalized sales experience. Don’t use slang, emojis, or abbreviations in your listing description. Use a confident and professional voice that shows that you know the area, know the listing, and know the industry. More importantly, check and re-check your spelling and punctuation to make sure the listing makes sense and is easy to read.
Avoid Over-Stating The Obvious
Most listing descriptions give you a limited character and word count, so you have to use them wisely. Don’t waste words on things like the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage or number of stories if this info is listed somewhere else on the listing. Save this free space to highlight the best parts of the home and showcase the potential.
Final Thoughts
After your pictures, your description is the most important part of your listing. This short paragraph should give buyers all the information they need in an honest, accurate, and engaging way.
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