Congratulations, you passed your exam! All of that studying paid off and you reached your goal. So now what? How do you use the 30 days as a real estate agent following your exam to set yourself up for success?
Seek Out Brokers In Your Area
Once you have the required certifications, your first order of business should be to look for brokerages in your area. Think of a broker as your mentor and your boss; a way to learn the ropes of real estate from those who have been in the business for a while. Questions to ask when looking for your first brokerage include:
- What are your commission splits?
- Are there any other brokerage-related fees?
- What type of classes or continued education do you offer and how often?
- How many real estate agents are in the office?
- Is a desk or phone duty required for each agent?
- What do you do to help promote our listings, the office, and the agents?
Focus On Networking
One of the benefits of working with a brokerage is access to their extensive network of buyers, sellers, and contractors. However, it’s important to spend the first 30 days after passing your exam in spaces where you can network on your own. This includes:
- Attending webinars and professional networking events
- Getting active in your community,
- Building your social media presence
- Visiting your local Chamber of Commerce
- Volunteering
- Sponsoring a community club or event
Start Building Your Brand
It’s never too soon to start building your brand. The first 30 days after you pass your exam should be spent thinking about your marketing strategies. This includes building a website, and having business cards made. Talk to your broker about how they can help you market yourself.
Set Goals- And Write Them Down
There is power in writing down your goals. Now that you’ve passed the exam, it’s important to create realistic and attainable goals and write them down. Put them in a place where you can see them often.
The Takeaway
Stepping into the real estate world is an exciting time, and it’s critical that you are intentional within the first 30 days. This is a time where you can build your foundation and set yourself up for success. If continued education is part of your long term plan (it should be) check out Mbition’s online courses and classes for new real estate agents.