Emailing with your real estate clients can be as formal or as casual as you make it, and is just one of the tools in your communication toolbox. We’ve all been using email a long time, but it’s worth reminding yourself about the etiquette rules that will make your emails more productive, and effective and building stronger professional relationships.
Dos and Don’ts of Better Real Estate Email Correspondence
DO think about your subject line. People with just a few seconds to spare scroll through their email looking for any important news or updates. The subject line can make your message stand out from the clutter. Subject lines also help keep email correspondence organized, and make it easier to go back and find a specific message. Use the subject line to let the recipients know what to expect in the email.
DO get to the point. Real estate sometimes requires sending long emails with lots of detail. Try to get right to the point and break down vital information so it’s easier to read. Avoid details that don’t directly relate to the message, and stay focused and organized with your thoughts. Remember that every email should be focused on providing your client with a high-value message.
DO double-check before you send. Autocorrect is meant to speed the communication process along and make it faster to type certain words. It is also the reason why so many embarrassing emails end up being sent to clients. Check and re-check that your message is clear, that the tone is professional, and that all the words you meant to say are there. Check your spelling, punctuation, and grammar, and keep emojis to a minimum. Re-read before you send. Every time.
DON’T USE ALL CAPS. We’re surprised people still do this, but writing it all in caps is the same as yelling. If you have very important information that you want to make sure the recipient sees (deadlines, special instructions, etc) you can use bold or italics to make them stand out. If a client opens an email and sees you’ve written in all caps, they may take whatever you’re saying (even if it’s good news) the wrong way.
DON’T get careless. As real estate agents, we often build relationships with our clients that feel more like a friendship than a business partnership. It can be easy to blur the lines between work and personal life, but keep professional emails professional. Your email could be shared, screenshotted, or printed at any time, so don’t email anything private or that you wouldn’t want to be shared with others. Avoid using slang, emojis, memes, or other forms of communication that would be seen as unprofessional. No matter how much you like your clients, your email correspondence should stay focused on business.
DON’T hit ‘Reply All’. Oh, the dreaded Reply All chain. This feature sends your reply to everyone who has been included in the email thread. This can quickly cause chaos and confusion, and result in wrong emails being sent to the wrong people. Before you reply to an email, check who is included in the thread and make sure your response only goes to the people who need it.
DON’T leave them hanging. When an email ends abruptly, the reader may think there is more to the email that they’re missing. Take the five extra seconds to close up the email properly. This could be something as simple as “Looking forward to hearing from you” or “no need to reply.” Clearly outline next steps. The end of your email should make it clear about the action steps you need the reader to take.
Become A Better Real Estate Agent
Whether you’re an emerging real estate agent or have been in the industry for a while, there are always ways to improve. Fine-tuning your email strategy not only helps you build your brand, but also builds stronger relationships with clients and contractors, and improves efficiency and productivity. Check out these new classes that will help you learn to do all of these things, and more!