All real estate agents need to be able to sell. However, some agents are better at marketing than others, especially when it comes to selling themselves. If you’re one of those agents who could use some tips on how to be a better salesperson, follow these techniques as explained in “We Are All Salespeople. Use These 3 Techniques to Become a Better One” by Matt Mayberry, CEO of Matt Mayberry Enterprises, and contributor for

1. Always lead with questions.

In your next sales meeting or conversation with someone, Mayberry suggested you open with great questions. Research beforehand and come prepared with appropriate questions to ask. “When you ask good questions, you are doing two things that will help you in the long run. Number one, you display a sense of humility that will always positively serve you. Number two, you will start to receive key answers that you would normally not have been able to find out.”

2. Change your perception of sales. 

According to Mayberry, if you want to succeed in sales, you must first change how you think about sales. “Instead of looking at it as a negative, start viewing it in a totally different light,” he wrote. “Sales is all about serving and helping others get to where they want to go. In sales, you only succeed when you help others succeed.”

3. Be obsessed about being a master at solving problems.

Successful salespeople look at selling as an opportunity to solve a problem, Mayberry noted. Their main objective is to become a master problem-solver. “When you start to solve problems and become known by being a problem solver before someone labels you a salesperson, your business and life will transform,” Mayberry wrote.

In essence, your success relies on your ability to sell. “Sales is the oxygen to your business growth and success,” Mayberry wrote.  “Without it, there will eventually be no business.”