Your brand is your calling card. If your customer engagement levels aren’t where they used to be, it may be time to give your brand a makeover.

“Forty-five percent of your brand is what you say and how you say it, so you need to make sure you’re doing all the right things,” David Wither wrote in a article.

Here are Wither’s tips to refresh your band, with a few suggestions from The Real Estate Blog added specifically for real estate agents.

1. Track your engagement levels – Tracking your engagement levels is a must. Use analytics to see where exactly you are falling, according to Wither. That provides a baseline for where improvements should be made.

2. Add a new product — Wither suggested providing services other than what you normally offer. For real estate agents, that could mean partnering with a staging service.

3. Initiate an interactive marketing campaign — This is a great way to enhance engagement, as long as you keep things simple, Wither suggested. “Interactive marketing campaigns tailored to your target audience can spark new life into a failing brand,” He wrote.

4. Redesign your website — Bring on a web designer to give your website a redesign with the latest update or just make suggestions. Be careful, however, that you don’t taint your brand in the process. “You should maintain the same branding guidelines as before to avoid confusing your customers,” Wither wrote.

5. Design a new logo — A new logo that maintains the same general idea as your old one can be a great way to reach a bigger audience, according to Wither. Again, this is not a rebranding.

6. Reach out to your most loyal customers again — Reach out to your repeat customers if for no other reason than to see how they are doing after your business is concluded. Then, make it a practice. Contact doesn’t always have to involve a sale, Wither noted.

7. Go to a business conference — Conferences not only allow you to network with other professionals, but it also provides new ideas and strategies for your business.

8. Expand your reach — If your marketing strategies aren’t working for your target audience anymore, consider targeting a different audience, such as finding properties for millennials, investors, or retirees.

9. Plug the leaks — According to Wither, repetition can cause a brand to flat-line. Set aside some time to look at your operations to determine where you can incorporate new ideas and new perspectives, he suggested.

Source: “9 Tips For Freshening Up Your Brand When Things Get Stale,” (Sept. 12, 2016)