Blogging is a great way to market your real estate business, as long as your content is sincere.
There is no shortage of real estate blogs. Unfortunately, there also is no shortage of poorly written real estate blogs.
Robert Hahn, founder and managing partner of 7DS Associates, a management consulting firm that specializes in corporate strategy, product management and strategic marketing for real estate and related industries, has been blogging since 2008. In one of his first posts that year on his wildly entertaining The Notorious R.O.B. blog, Hahn voiced his displeasure with the state of real estate blogging in an article titled “In the Name of All That is Holy, You Should Stop Blogging.” Hahn’s central point, which hasn’t changed much in the almost nine years since that post, is that a bad blog can actually hurt one’s business.
He wrote in part: “Someone who may have been your ideal client might look at your utterly crappy website or horrid blog and conclude that you are a major league idiot, even if you happen to be the most knowledgeable real estate professional in history.
They don’t know you; if all they get to see of you is a terrible blog, then as far as they’re concerned, you’re a terrible agent. Period. End of story.”
“The best topic to write about is whatever topic the agent is most passionate about. The most important thing is to be yourself.” – Robert Hahn
Blog from the heart to be effective
Contacted recently, Hahn stands behind that theory, but he also noted a real estate agent can use blogging as an effective marketing tool, but only if what that person writes about comes from the heart. “The best topic to write about is whatever topic the agent is most passionate about,” Hahn said. “The most important thing is to be yourself.”
Hahn said many real estate agents are not great writers, but they have strong personalities, which is why they got in to real estate in the first place. For such people, he said a video blog might be a better way to go.
Hahn also suggested that real estate agents be the experts in the communities they serve. Demonstrating their knowledge and interest in the places they work is a great way to attract clients.
“If you’re a REALTOR®, if you’re not into your town, why are you working there?” Hahn asked.
More strategies for creating great content
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